Just a wee shout out to puss or pasta to fill you in on old rabbitygirl.Shes landed in the land of milk n honey.Well actually shes here in the reef.You out there oldies?
Margherita or hawaiian ? Choc chip ice cream or strawberry ? David bowie musical genius or weird sexually confused singer songwriter? Elton john weird sexually confused person or talented singer ?...
whilst trying to google some figures etc on teen pregnancies after a discussion on another thread i found a link to this withhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4572219.stm the bbc news page. now it...
now i love a bit of wrigleys . but im wondering should one call it bubble gum or just chewing gum? i dont and never have blown bubbles with the gum. but many folk do. so bubble or chewing what is the...
when they record teenage pregnancies . i thought they were just talking about single teens . but then i wondered if youre married and nineteen and have a babby are you thrown in amongst the chavvy 13...
do that trick wheer you get a condma nd pull it over your head and inflate it ? ive seen it done in a pub in ireland before but never tried it. isnt it dangerous?
im off to bed
this is deader than a doddos birthday party on here.
after my sleep earlier im wide awake .
but i will just have to drift off.
see yuo tomorrow gimps lol
And so this is christmas and what have you done?? another year over and a new one just begun. what have you done eh? look back over the last year. how mucvh farther on are you? what have you done or...
listening to this on the radio . and i wondered . does anyone believe that jesus may have been a spaceman or traveller from another galaxxy? or even sent from the creator??? is it any more strange?now...
am i the only person who finds the great new pm systemn here a heap of sh1t? been trying to reply to a pm for about 10 friggin minutes . even went to sab but its just as sh1t...
what would your perfect day be? could be totally bizarre like tea with cliff richard , no sex involved? or perhaps a meeting up with someoen else a little more famous . right down to something just...
As most of you know i have the physique of johnny vegas as well as the twisted sense of humour to match it . since ive been back in scottyland for a week ive started to grow a bit of a vegas type...
i feel like sh1t and have all day.
now that little leg is away to his mums im gonna go watch a DVD AS I CANT FOCUS ON THE SCREEN MY HEADS POUNDING