Why are women more moody than men?I know they blame the old monthlies , rag week.But apart from that theyre moaning the rest of the month too.So is it an inbuilt failing in women?Or is it deliberate...
Do you work in an office? Do you have an office tart ? Or better still do you have a selection of them? You know what i mean all sugar and spice and very ,very ,nice. Do you evr feel like youve had...
Following on from some previous posts about foreigners with rucksacks and jews and muslims im wondering why are the british so rascist? Britain was behind slavery,persecutionj of the jews,crusading...
Celebrity couple Preston and Chanelle's marriage breakup is yet another short lived celebrity relationship. What do you think about role models giving up on marriage so easily? Should celebrities...
I was just thinking, I shower every morning, without fail. I probably spend about 10-15 mins in there as I exfoliate, was my hair, wash my face etc.... but over the course of the year, that's 365...
whats your best break up song? is it a nice one to remind you of the good times yopu had? or is it a hatefilled rant at whoever did you wrong? i just gotta love this....
after talking to boo on another thread the thought came to mind. why do people make fun of others misfortunes? is it an attempt to hurt or upset people? is it an attempt to make themselves look bigger...
Who sis the most famous person you have ever met? Up to 2 weeks ago mine was Terry Nutkins....then I bumped into John Inverdale when I was coming out of my local Bakers!
Went out friday night, had a really good night, went smoothly was really drunk but actually woke up happy and not down on saturday morning which was a bonus considering I usually wake up so low...
Obviously not me! but I think there are some on here who must be social misfits, to get so personal with someone on Ab, who they have never met. And also think there is a certain "jealousy" element...