Its friday night its 5 oclock. So where are the crackpots? Ive seen one ginger one and a turnip where are the rest of the cabbages and can we expect an evening of fun and frivolity or an evening of...
Its FTAO For the attention of. Not FAO Which means FCUK OFF ARSEH0LE. Unless you meant the latter rather than the former ? ?!?!?!? DID THAT HELP ?!?!?!?!
Everytime i see this i think to myself they should bring chris ecclestone back as dr who he really kicked it into the 21st century and really led the way for david tennant. and billly was just...
Posting this to say its a lovely evening here. How many positive answers and how many flys round sh!t abuse answers will i get ? I will look back in 15 minutes : 0) enjoy folkz
All points bulletin for Postdog. Are you ok mate? Did you survive as youve been strangely silent since your post of last night Postdog Tue 05/05/09 22:34 Going up now to give puddi a good seeing to -...
Honestly i didnt come on last night . I did something completely different instead. I tried not to come on this morning. a lot of people say dont do it leggy i tried But i couldnt resist It was like...
I haven't looked for an email from ab saying Ive not been on . So i don't know if Ive had one . And if i have had one like everyone else then its just as pointless too. ??? DID THAT HELP ???
I am legend im not a fearful person theres a sickly child saying dont go leggy but the pied pipers music is calling watch and learn whos the messssssssssssssssssssssssssssssiah?
Ok ladies . The spice girls . Everyone knows them. TRheyve aged a bit . But back in their heyday when they were big. Which spicegirl would you have a lesbian relationship with? AND NO GUYS ANSWERING...