we have just returned from blackpool we were on the m6 travelling back to stoke and this idiot was travelling in the fast lane doing about 90 mph in his convertable WITH HIS CHILD SITTING ON THE...
Just popped in to say I'm off out. Since my pic appeared on CB, I've had loads of offers, mostly from Spanish pig farmers, so I'm going to join them for a swill. It's still in the 90s here, so the old...
Theres me sitting here blasting out hawkwinds silver machine as me new car is silver and I got a silver machine fully loaded and I gets a knock on the doorbell. So I opens the door and low and behold...
Just inherited an old garage which has perspex windows that have been painted with emulsion for privacy. Cant seem to remove it despite using a lot of elbow greese - any ideas greatly appreciated!
down the local shop for local people. Was wandering down the isles off basildons tescoe's and there was this bird running around shouting out " Oi knobbs wheres me basket" and off course I thought oh...
a medal at the Olympics? is this you celebrating in Beijing? http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http: //farm1.static.flickr.com/1/buddyicons/1523982...
Well had a good night out last night.The free booze was flowing and the food and show was great. Came on this morning to discover im dating a married woman from derbcestershire !!!! Well there you go....
I work with a young guy, who is so vain, he wears fake tan, and colours his nails a dark colour, wears a smidge of eyeliner sometimes,and is a dab hand with a pair of straightners, and if hair is not...