Hi, Can anyone solve these christmas dingbats? There are names in 2 circles - Mick Fleetwood, Nick Mason, Phil Collins, Ringo Starr, Roger Taylor in the outer circle and Charlie Watts John Bonham,...
Still struggling with some. 8. SIMNE 30. CRATCHI 32. Evostick Moan 47. GHIREH 48. Bartett 20 and 21 follow on from each other - 20. 'Swaddling Clothes' is written in a circle and 'shimhe' is in the...
Still struggling. No. 17 Corpse - Merry Xmas Cadaver - Merry Xmas Carcass - Merry Xmas Could it be Merry Christmas Everybody? No. 33 The Spectre of Timbuktu No. 48 Bartett These are doing my head in.
Hi, Can anyone help please. Christmas dingbats - can be carol, christmas song,festive phrase, christmas film, food, or whatever. No. 8 SIMNE No. 9 uputp medals No. 32 Evostick Moan Glad of any help.
After watching the X factor repeats today on ITV1, I can't help but think that kimberley was set up. She was the only contestant to be made up like a complete and utter tart with an absolutely...
I have been watching Tenko on UKHISTORY channel which is channel 12 on Freeview, I dont have Sky. Yesterday I could not get it at 9pm, it was someyhing different, the day before it was on a different...
how long does it normally take Tony Blair to reply to a letter? i sent him one personally instead of doing it through the website and i was just curious. Thanks!!
Can you avid Home and Away fans help please? Which character was responsible for the car crash that killed Chloe and injured Martha? Troy Rick Kim or Jesse Who was the father of Sophie's first baby...
When I was a litle girl in the 50's, I played a game called 'stroke her down, strok her down' where there was one person who was the one to be stroked, the other kids saying 'stroke her down, stroke...