hi see if any of the Elvis Cole series of novels were made into a film which 1 would you want it to be and which actors would you choose to play Elvis and Joe??
does anyone know the name of the music that was used to advertise the episode of supernatural on ITV2 when sam is kidnapped,the episode was shown on 30/04/06
what is the bit of music used on a UKTV history advert that says if the story of the earth was writtin an a book the length of the bible humans would only appear half way down the last page??
what was the bit of classical music used on an old tesco advert?? it was for the clothes section and it was women standing on big monument things holding something from a country's flag but i cant...
hi i was wondering if anyone knew the name of a song or the artist that was used a in program of the countdown of the 100 greatest war movies/films,it was used in between clips of each film. it has...