Has anyone out there got any idea what the answer to this is, its the one with the rope, lantern, guitar, shovel, etc all jumping in the air. Please help if you can, I'm tearing my hair out
Has anyone done the one with all the Michaels, I can't get their surnames, I think we have Jordan, Douglas, Fox, but stumped on the others; any help gratefully accepted.
help please - tried google, flags.com and others - completely stumped - saw the earlier clue of nautical alphabet, but don't understand that although Ii do know the nautical alphabet
I know you have to use ms paint, but could someone tell me how to put it in, I have tried copying and pasting, but it doesn't work. I've never used ms paint before. Thanks
Just 2 to go, any help gratefully accepted. 7d The early stages of consumption (4,7) h-r- d-e---e 14a Lie about money being short (4) l-l- I thought lilo, but why? Thanks
I'm completely stuck on the top section, can anyone help me please with the following 9a Affected by elements of visit being in wrong order (8) 11a Bite, say, limb of insect-eater - no big offence...
Stuck on 3, can anyone help, please 36a One after the other(8) -a-a-o-a ? paranoia, but why 50d House rooms accomodating bodies? Not half (5)a-i-- 56a You'd not be honoured to get it up(4,6)...