I know you have to use ms paint, but could someone tell me how to put it in, I have tried copying and pasting, but it doesn't work. I've never used ms paint before. Thanks
Whar breed of Dog? 1. Trade a book in the Bible and me 2.Penny sweet,that hurt,baby's cry 3.Quiet,irritate,not me 4.Ice cream flavour with rheumatic mother
Can anyone please help me with the following as they are driving me crazy ;- 1) S 04 2) a S is a 3 C L S 3) a H is a P of 6 4) a D is aC W 1 H 5) 5 F 2 E of B 6) a D IS A g OF 10 n 7) L 8 C in H...
.... for copies of the Alphabet Quiz, please go to: www.thisislincolnshire.co.uk/beehive click on Wragby & District Swimming Pool, then click on Events page. You will find my name and address and...