hi out dog had litter managed to give 6 of the puppies to people in the estate but still have 3 left. my uncle offered to get rid of them 4 us but we want to find them a home really as they are really...
Too many threads from me lately,,,lol Will I be getting awarded THE GRAND ORDER OF THE WELLIE, what floats my boat,,, Sydney Pottier, I used to love him
8a freedom from risk or danger - - - - - i - - 12a part of a stairs r - d - - 18a noisy cackling sound like walking on dry leaves c - - - - - 19a swindle , deceive by trickery c - e - - 13d arrive at...
I won't get today's until my husband brings it home later, so does anyone have the answer to 25a to put my mind at rest? (I have a most peculiar collection of letters): 'Female fitted regularly,...