Hi All, I'm sure that the answers to these are staring me in the face BUT... 19a One charged for holiday accommodation? (6,7) I have s---i-/caravan. Also 15d Attractive thing, glossy, in hair (3,6). I...
Hi all, Please help with 13 a. Root and Cook batting after introduction of off-spinner (7). I have o-i-i-. Is it origin? Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi all, 20a Very good circles and spots (4). I have ---e. Please also parse. Also 14d Artist controlled future date? (9). I have r-i---e-t. Thank you in anticipation....
Hi all, stuck on 15a (7,6) Communication from solicitor. I have --g-i-g/letter. Also 15d (8) Objective of man, 100 - to stay in bed! I have --l-n-e-. Trying to put begging in 15a but malinger in 15d....
Hi all. Please come to my rescue with 17d Cap in hands, stay outside. I have -c-e-t-p. Also 14d Take That worried by sneaky charge. I have -t-a-t- / tax.
Thank you in anticipation....
Help needed with 19a : Like animals or birds, but not necessarily fish (6). I have -l-r-l looks like floral. Also 26a : Type choice of endings in this text (4). I have s-r- and it looks like sort....
Stuck on two: 3 d Fast runner, member of team in action at Christmas (6) d-s-e- Looks like disney but can't see why... and 6 d Secure a child inside, specifically for Christmas period, say (8) I have...
The dog walk didn't help me clear my head today! Last one: 24 a Regret tucking into a lot of stock and bone (4,3) I have t-u- r-b . Rue is regret so it looks like "true rib" but don't fully...
Just been out with the dogs and it seems to have blown away the cobwebs. I am still undecided about 9a Toy with painting around an image within another (5,3) I have t-a-n/ -e- Looks like "train set"...
Struggling on last two: 15d Soldier encountered crossing river with English monarch (9 letters) I have m-s-e-e--. 26a Guy regularly booing band (6 letters) --b-o-. Thank you in anticipation.
Please help me with the Dean Mayer puzzle! 7 down: Old lady love in divided group sex-based pleasure (9 letters). I have m-s-c-i-m. 25 across : Loud bursts in hooter with knobs on (8 letters). I have...
Last one: 19ac China backed educational reformist going around about quickly. I have -e- a -o-e -n. Looks like get a move on but why please? Thank you in anticipation.
Please help! Last one! 20 down What a US traveller feared in stages (4-2). I have -o-d -p looks like hold-up but I don't know why. Thank you in anticipation.
I am struggling with the last two. Please help. 10 ac Perhaps does rush around (4) d-e- . 20 ac Parent's ticking off two presents (3,3) -o- n-w . Thank you in anticipation....