have taken out a travel insurance policy but accidently put the wrong telephone numvber on it, will this void the policy should i need to make a claim, or will the fact that home address details n...
does it matter on ure travel insurance docs if you've put the wrong home phone number if ure home address n all other details are correct, or will it void the policy should u need to make a claim?
if i plunged my hand in boiling hot water for a second or so, in and straight out, and then straight into ice cold water where i left it, how badly would my hand be burnt? **NOTE i do not intend to do...
does anyone remember a Robert Powell film where they go into some caves n find these white type alien things? think him n his pal end up shooting loads of them for some reason :o/ must be from 70's or...
does anyone know the song that was played in the background when the blonde on when to the bar for the 1st time to order vodka with her new pals? chilled out song with female vocals, very vague i...
does anyone know the dance tune that begins with a piano going down with der der, der der, der der, der der followed by a little whurpling noise, not sure of the lyrics tho one bit does go...