A few stumping me!
Beast's dry eyes, certainly wiped: ?r?t?
Pretentious type taken to court for hearing?: ???u?
From behind, old horse hit:?u?d??
Help would be greatly appreciated....
Hello Shooty Thanks for your answers - "ring" and "afloat". I agree that both sound highly feasible, but they do not fit in with each other, I am afraid. Another clue I am unsure...
Help with last two would be much appreciated.
9a Seeing that money, get rise: a?l???
3d Call for item to be fingered: ???? (first letter may be "c", I think)...
I'm really struggling today; another impasse! 13(a)Fun had behind drain through the years (5-5letters) ???p?-p???y 17(a)Good to perforate layer turning a pudding ?a?i??? (7 letters) Many thanks!...
A corner is sticking me! Can someone please give me a start?
16(d) Paid before second response (8)?
21(d) Slight annoyance when goods are deposited in river (6)?...
Oscar's off to the sea, taking a spin in a motor to Land's End. (7,5)
Any idea why the answer is "mystery tours"? If this is correct, it makes other clues challenging!...
I'd appreciate some inspiration on last two:
23a Homeless individual content, sheltering in alcove. (3,4) ?a?,l?d?
24a Country's retro Hollywood make-up (7) ?e?e?a?...