She is back at the vets for tests and hydration - the tests are dependant on how docile she is as the vet is adament that he does not want to sedate her because of her age.
Finished this lovely puzzle but can't work out wordplay for 36A. Maxim gun discharged over Middle East (4). GNOME (maxim). G(u)N+O+ME. Does OVER = O? I don't see that in my ref. books.
My postman came the other morning and said I'd made his day. My tumble drier was wafting his favourite smell - clean laundry - out onto the drive. He was standing there sniffing the air like a... ...
A message from Mrs Sqad on my post on body and soul asking about him...he's had a few problems and is now in a nursing home, which he hates. Mrs Sqad will keep us informed.