Stuck in top LH corner -Help please ! 1D Sky viewer delighted by brilliant late show? (8) S???E?R? ; 8A Finally respect monarch less, such as Victoria (8) ?????N?S ; and 2D Strange diversion for...
7) Suggestive of living an island (7) 19) The director (surname) of 1975 film that won Oscars for Jack Nicholson and Louise Fletcher (6) 20) Artificial eggs placed to induce hens to lay their own...
17d Block passed away with return of pets to the French(8) ???T?C?? and 28a Old maids old think amid bonds (8) T???N?E? and maybe an explanation please! Many thanks.
8d Trumped (bridge) (6) R?F?D?
17a Very fed up (4,2,1,6) ??C?,A?,?,?A?R??
25a Device to secure lines in boat (5) beginning with C
27a Unable to absorb more (9) S?????T??
Thanks in advance...
15 ac towards centre of large boat (9) a?i???i?s 25 ac posture expressing a thought or feeling (8) ?t?i???e 16 dn able to endure stormy weather on the ocean (9( ??a?o?t?y 18 dn give way or sink under...
I'm stuck on 3 - any help please? 17d Conductor pleasantly warm around end of recital.(8) Have searched lists of conductors on google too,but no help there. I have s?m???l? 23a Silent one comes in...
Stuck on 6 this week! 20a, Obtains or seeks to obtain something by begging; (9) ?CRO?N??S 23a, A clear soup made from meat or chicken stock; (8) ??N????? 2d, Facetious public school slang word for...