38a 4th fundamental state of matter along with solid, gas and plasma 6(6) ???U?D
24a Pre Colombian american people noted for developing writing (6) ???U?D
Please help, I'm losing the will to live!...
Most of London's bus drivers are on strike in a protest about pay equality. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-30784623 It is reported that according to TfL less than 16% of the bus drivers...
I see the odious Tony Blair has been talking to John Bercow because hen ants so to get out of giving evidence atbout issuing "comfort letters" to IRA members. Not surprised he's running scared!...
Was it our interference in the middle east? Had Saddam, Gaddafi and Bin laden still been around would we had been much safer? Was this going to happen anyway?Or is it mainly the fault of occupation in...