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Lindy Loo

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Can anyone advise how to remove rust stains (caused by old clothing pegs) from cotton clothes? Thanks!
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Bonzo 2000
I'm guessing its something to do with reproduction, seeds and roots etc, but I'd appreciate a more detailed answer
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A few weeks ago my bf smashed his knees at work at the end of the day, thought a weekend's rest would 'fix' them but it didn't, on Tuesday he went to the doctor as he could put no weight on his knees...
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hickory dickory dock the mouse ran up the clock the clock struck 12 the mouse-------- something something, it my five yr olds homework an i cant think what rimes with twelve
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"Dilkes" seems to be back (as "Ali_Dilkes"). Please ban him.
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Is banardo bernado? or an imposter? Is banardo deliberately being an imposter or did they not realise? If so isn't there anything to eliminate near names in case of confusion for us blondes?
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how old must a child be before they can supervise themselves?
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My ten year old son came home from school the other day bragging about how he and his friends tormented a red haired boy with freckles just because he looked different. I thought this was tantamount...
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Bonzo 2000
Our son turns 3 later this month and has recently got to grips with alerting us to when a pee is required. Almost without fail, he now performs well on the potty, usually to much applause and...
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Are they harmless to the fish? Obviously they aren't going to turn psycho and attack them, what i mean is do they carry any diseases or parasites which could be passed on to the fish and prove fatal?...
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i have a female 4 year old keet. Yesterday she satarted acting strangely. She sits in a hi=unched over position on her perch, occasionally shivers, all her feathers remain puffed out and she...
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I have 7 tadpoles and I don't know much about keeping them. Do they need a special PH??? Will they eat goldfish food or should I just feed them lettuce??? Is there any way to tell boys & girls...
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This creature first invaded our large greenhouse several years back and has travelled through it gradually in what appears to be a colony. We do not see it/them moving about but where they settle is...
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Hi, Every year my pumkins get nibbled and nibbled and nibbled on. I'm not sure which critter is doing the deed, but my guess in order of possiblility are squirrels, groundhogs, chipmunks and or...
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where did tortillas originate from?
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I am going on a sponsored walk which i will be running in on the 19th of October i will be running it though like some othr people. I really wanna win and I am very fast but i can't last long because...
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i'm in the usa and i have this site as my homepage and wut are stones i only kno wut pounds (lbs) are....i mean in weight
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Lindy Loo
I posed the question 'Where do dust mites come from?' to a vacuum cleaner rep yesterday, while he demonstrated a ?2500 cleaning system!! He didn't know the answer!! Given that my house had been empty...
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Ray the DJ
Answerbank: Can you have a word with someone calling himself He is deliberately posting irrelevent, stupid questions. He's just taking the Mickey, to put it politely.
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This is from the Answerbank home page: The AnswerBank is a Community Question and Answer site. It was conceived as a central point where users can ask genuine questions and receive helpful answers,...

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