On existing threads, I can't scroll down to the SUBMIT button, so I can't post any more entries. And I can't scroll down down the menu far enough to get to Technology. On all other web pager, the...
My adult son was riding on the roller coaster at Great Yarmouth. As the car entered a tunnel it also dropped sharply, he is tall (over 6 ft) and ducked to make sure he did not hit his head. At the...
I have been given a large lava lamp but it has very small pieces of what looks like tin foil which float about, instead of the normal waxy stuff. The problem is the inside of the glass is rather dirty...
What the bestestestest ever carrot cake that youve ever bought . Maybe it was your mums from the quaint village fete in middle england or perhaps grannys from the local jumble sale ?
We are all up in arms over the price of petrol and diesel and most of us have to buy it but we don't have to buy cigarettes so what that Brown should do is put fags up 20p and bring petrol down 20p....