10. Who won a surprise 100 metres gold medal in the 1980 olympics? 47. Who was the only woman to win a gold medal for Britain in the 1984 summer olympics? 78. Who was accused of tripping U.S runner...
I am sending apologies from the quiz setter, following the discussion yesterday. To confirm: 26 and 42 are the same answer (this was realised after sales had begun) 35 should read NTHRBRRWRNRLNDRB
Stuck on quite a few, any help would be great 49. Inside of a melon (3) 53. Delichon urbica (3,12 56. The alsation, the poodle and the pug are in the dark here(5,3,5) 61. Lekcin(10) 62. Nicked!(6) 63....
I gave 2 possible answers for one of the questions and even though one of them was correct i only got 1/2 a mark, how does that work?? According to the results if i had have been given a full mark i...
If you wish to pay by cheque, please make cheques payable to "Cystic Fibrosis Trust Fakenham Group" You can also send cash if you wish. Don't forget the SAE!
In aid of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. It has a mixture of 100 questions with 5 different categories: TV Anagrams Complete the phrase Answer is a number Nursery Rhymes Cryptic Norfolk towns & villages....
Any help on last few please. 45. popular name of the agreement on European Union. (10,6) 56. Charles and Jeremiah settled a long standing boundary dispute in the late 18th century by establishing...
Stuck on quite a few, any help gratefully received. 3. Debt ready to be restructured. 9. Second unknown circle is repeated. 11. Bribed Lola to make this. 13. Making thread do better. 18. Missing bits...
22. A date to celebrate. 28. regularly has trouble getting into the House. 34. Seat of learning for an overweight character. No number of letters given. All answers have a colour in them.
16. barbies favourite chef (4,5) also has anyone worked out no. 52 yet, a beatles song with a name in the title (4,3,5,4) any help would be gratefully received