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Just need these two questions.Thank you in advance for any assistance. 1.This diamond is full of potential(5) ----H   2. This pyramidal scheme is illegal(7) SE-----
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Names of 3 castle's, any help would be marvelous thanks. 2. Must throw a fishing line for the Queen.(9) 18. Tree stem is penniless.(9) 20.Enclosure for a mythical creature.(9)
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Struggleing with these last few,many thanks for any help & a Happy New Year to one & all. 6.Snitch on the cow.(6). 12.Little Molly's clue.(6). 21.Overwhelm.(6) 22.Knockout Opera.(6) 25.Sketch for Mr... ...
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Just the one to get.12.Where was the pumpkin in pumpkin pie originally found?  The answer starts with C & ends with T(No number of letters given)Many thanks for any help.
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Answer has a connection with the Sea or Shore.Just one question I need help with.Many thanks in advance.   Employees of the scrapyard.(8)   
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Just the one to get.  A Greek Restaurant ( 9 ) Many thanks for any help.
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Just need this final clue.  30. Rotten Kids going down (11).  Many thanks for any help.
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No numbers given for answer.Many thanks for any help with this question. 5.After Judi Dench the other M
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Just need help with these two thanks.No numbers given for the answers. 20. Nothing more feline ( cryptic clue ) 24. Model of a human from a Nordic country( cryptic clue )  
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Just the one question that i can't fathom.Many thanks for any help.    SOS,Break for Workers (6)
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Answers are related to shopping.I just need this last question,any help would be marvellous. Most of these have disappeared now (10,6 )
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Just can't get these last two.  45. NHS clients on the radio (8) 49. Dishonest handling,by Zorro? (7) Many thanks for any help.
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 1. In a set of drain rods (4)  2.Be careful how you pluck it! (8)  3.A N E term of endearment (3)               Many thanks for any help.
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I just can't fathom an answer for FILM QUIZ Courage at number twenty(1999) (5,3.4) and SONG PICTURE QUIZ shows an arrow pointing at the head of a lady wearing a crown plus the letter a.Thanks for any...
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I just need some help with these last few.Many thanks. 17.Four's man (8) 35.Egg laid in bed (4) and 37.Period (5). Cheers...
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Also just one to get many thanks in advance for any help.I can't find any carol/song for No 43 To Welcome Him, To Welcome him....
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Just can't find the answers to these last four questions,any help much appreciated. 25. Which monarch visited Brough in 1895? (3,6) 28. Village high in 2 ways? (6,4) 38. A street named after a joint...
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12.Nun - not from the South? (7) 28. Likes to display things? (6) Any help with these last two questions would be very welcome thanks.
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Just need these last few. 21.Colours(6) 22.A fast way of finding glasses(6,7) 23.Makes you see quickly?(4,4) 25.Non-commercial consultant(5) 27.Pinches the nose(4,3) Many thanks for any help....
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10. Christ's crown of thorns (5), 25. Are u admired?(6), 32.True(4), 37.Sharp laugh(8) Just can't get these last four,any assistance would be welcome. 0. Christ's crown of thorns...

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