Trying to find if problem with electric chair is fuse.
Needs 5amp but, cannot locate one at present time.
Would it be safe to use a 3 or 13amp just for a quick test?...
buenchico a.k.a. Chris has consistently helped and advised many people for many years on this site. He patiently replies to each entrants to the weekend quiz he links to. He will look up technical or...
The Hudl would not charge. A Reset was done using the on / off and volume and charging started. It is ' frozen' during the charging with the charging symbol showing. Reset was attempted again but does...
I have read in a magazine that the sound is disappointing.
' thin, dull sound with a muffled bass '
Does anyone have one and what are their impressions please....
Been scammed twice (2 X £3) . Anyone know how to stop the texts. I have never ' clicked on' the texts or acknowledged them in any way . Is there a chance of getting money back. I know it is £6 but...
After completing the crossword using a Samsung android tablet I tried to send using the submit but nothing happens. When I have tried to access the same crossword using a Sony android phone a message...