I need putting out of my misery. Having pondered all day, I still have not worked out the link - something to do with Wimbledon tennis or 'Alice through the looking Glass' perhaps?! A clue or even the...
What sort of price should I expect to pay for the service of a 3 yr old Toyota Yaris (30000 miles)? I don't intend to go to the dealer and I live in the NW, not far from Chester.
I have just one left finally! My poor brain has wrestled with this crossword over the weekend - 22d "Then articulate the appearance of a tiger" (Shakespeare) (4) B?R? It is probably very easy but...
Not keen on admitting I am old enough to subscribe to Saga but I am stuck. 8d Church ready to adopt New Testament charm, ditching an inward tendency (14) I only have ?e???i???????? Thanks in advance
I have Googled 'til I'm blue in the face then realised that amongst all you clever souls there must be someone who will know the distance between the above two places. I await the replies!
Does anyone have 3d? It's my last one. I think it's ALLY. How successful can you be at getting friend into the club? (8) It is linked with 11a - the answer to which is SIGN which then gives SIGNALLY....
I would love to do some work in this area. I have a sample cd of my voice delivering a variety of types of voice over - advert/continuity etc. I also have some website addresses to contact but I'd...
Does anyone have 2d? A party shortly to enter meeting with set of statistics (8). I thought database - date for meeting but that leaves abas - any ideas? I also need 5d to finish this - Worshipper of...
Does anyone have 31a? One going down, which is up (5) ????r . As the theme is birds I think it could be diver or bower or even wader. Help appreciated.
Going on the premise that no question is too bizarre for the answer bank - does anyone know if an oven chip exists that tastes as good as the fried variety? I cannot bear anything connected with...
Every piece of wood in the house is stained with a mahogany-coloured varnish (courtesy of the previous owner). Whilst we're happy with the fact that we don't have to paint anywhere we would like a...
Thanks for help received so far. I now have an unsolved clue as one of the answers given makes one of my solutions wrong so..."The Wrong Box" finishes with viral problems (1-6) I have X ?O?I?S