I have surrendered! 7d Some bones in the face need oxygen on top (7) D?a?o?? 14a Refined ordinary language - 1 across didn't! (6) ?p???e (1a is John Brown's body) 21d Hence Mr and Mrs Smith's work?...
When our computer crashed last week, it took with it all our favourites. Some of the sites were ones people from ABer had given, which were useful for helping to solve quizes. Please would you be kind...
fabric for stage curtain, having got back with it(5) rifle container in cause for concern(7) continue playing cricket with a stick(5) heard the crowd gather(5) mighty safe box with it(6) filming with...
I am well and truly stuck and I have so many other things I ought to be doing! 15, 10, 22 down Greek character composed light ode about 11s' 25 and 6s - defining their relationships. (3,4,4,3,3) I...
Hi, I've done pretty well on my own with these, and a little help from Abers - thanks. I know there is loads of time left but I have a lot of other quizzes to do too before anyone else starts going on...
13 across scotland rugby union player who made his international debut against ireland in 1985 letters 4 and 6 14 across port in central vietnam on the south china sea. letters 2 and 4. 17 across....
And they're all under starters orders, the red light is flashing, the starters on his platform .....oh come on seekeerz, stop watching the racing and keep your mind on the task at hand. All my...
1/ always close and secure the key inside 6.3.5 -----d/-h-/----- 2/ sign of unfriendly owner , old fellow having moan , time to hide ----/---/--/---h- 3/ mark acted roughly, grabbing first...