My SKY satellite service,approx 16 months old, has failed. When theSKY+HD box is turned the picture goes after about 1 hour. Turning the box off and on again does not always restore the picture. Also,...
Anagram of childrens favourite characters - this one is in books and comics section.................. The clue is : HOPE TO SPRAY MAIN EEL Any assistance would be gratefully accepted as it is driving...
9A) In unchanging state, sleeping (7) D _ R _ A _ T (assuming Noddy/Utrecht/Tractor/Ten Gallon Hat) for the down clues The cryptic clue (which gives the same answer - apparently!) reads 'Don't get...
1A) Argumentatively 15 letters C***?*D*Y*O*I*Y (?could possibly be an R) 2D) Sets Down in writing 7 letters ****T*S 9A) Upheavals 7 letters U***?*S (again ?could be an R) Please help this is making me...