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Is there an email service I can sign up to that will notify you in real-time of the arrival of emails? Something that sits on the task bar would be ideal. I'm looking for something along the lines of...
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true or false is it true if u go abroad you are not supposed to bring back cheese sausages etc tia
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my printer is printing pages back to front and upside down help tia
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i was videoing my xmas lights suddenly the cam went dead 2 yrs old plugged in to charge no luck does not charge its a canon mvx45i your ideas please tia
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I have been uploading my pictures and film from my Canon camara to Zoombrowser for the last couple of years, my pictures are ok but I can't seem to play the films anymore. they upload ok and are...
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Having had hardly any problems with e-bay before, I bought a bronze/copper/marble sculpture of a yacht for the BF off e-bay. Duly paid by PayPal to some bloke in Canada who certainly seemed genuine -...
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Has anyone any experience of buying these boots from the Real Ugg boot shop in Australia. How long does it take them to arrive, I ordered a pair on the 9th November and they tell me via e mail that...
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hau kola
How do i type symbols such as hearts? TIA
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anyone got a website where i can buy sheepskin gloves tia

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