Granny Through every nook and every cranny The wind blew in on poor old Granny Around her knees, into each ear (And up nose as well, I fear) All through the night the wind grew worse It nearly made...
Do you have a little box of memories ? Is the night before a sad anniversary worse than the actual day? Will you get drunk tonight ? Do you think anti depressants eventually make you worse ?
Following on from geff p thread about setbacks. How would you best deal with a letdown or major disappointment in life? Say someone close to you maybe husband or partner let you down badly how would...
Humpty dumpty sat on a rock, Little bo peep was sucking his c--k but when he came, she started to weep Cos she could tell by the taste, He'd been shagging her sheep! Off to bed now, goodnight all .
Without looking them up, can you guess what these are phobias of: Euphobia Gynophobia Hippophobia Linonophobia Octophobia Sesquipedalophobia Testophobia and my favourite... Cacophobia
I am a devotee of point-and-click, games like Broken Sword, Monkkey Island. I have been reading about the Nancy Drewe series - are they of the same ilk ? From reviews I am wondering if they are aimed...
And cakes of course. I don't know why I am asking this. I signed up on Thursday to research PC games and have got caught up in madness. One thing I can see clearly however is that you have to be kind...