had two mammograms - never found them uncomfortable but God I cannot manage the smear tests - find them very very painful - anybody out there like me - it does and has put me off having them - so sore
Hi all... been trying to log onto new AB for just keep getting message saying 'under construction'. Anyone else getting this? So I'm on the old one with no avatars and no PM :( x
I am just about to go watch "The Emperors New Groove" for the millionth time with me wee niece Kitty, I love that film....shes not so keen... what Disney films do you love and watch over and over...
Happy Birthday young un! I hope you have a lovely birthday, you deserve it girl xxx Legend - youre next tee hee Ive managed to sneak onto the web just briefly from down under as Im out in the sticks,...
happy birthday to hau kola. shes only 21 today. and i just wanted to say have a good one. i hear shes getting a clockwork nintendo ds. they didnt have any coal powered ones like she had as a kid,...
I posted a question last week regarding when I can do a pregnancy test. Someone has replied mentioning having symptoms 5 days before she was due to start her period, can anyone shed any light on what...
Do you put toilet rolls on the holder a certain way?. I always have to have it so it hangs from the front, like so http://www.dkimages.com/discover/previews/938/ 50597956.JPG if I go round my blokes...
As you can see I have had to go green again, pussnboots has been all messed up. My profile is gobbledigook and I can only use pussnboots on the old style AB, also it showed my start date as the year...