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Louisa 69

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we've just got our new car, a jaguar xk, it's beautiful, what does your car say about you??
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reading this morning about the gay joke in a thread and changing attitudes . now i know folk get quite worked up about the idea that homosexuals may be getting too much exposure . and that they are...
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As quite a few of you know, my daughter was expecting twins, however we were recently advised that she was having what is termed a Mono-amniotic pregnancy, and that the outcome wasn't great. During...
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every time i log onto the internet i win a prize so i have won an ipod a laptop a mobile phone a holiday in hawii a car loads of cash a new york shopping trip amongst other things what have you won ?
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i just wanted to say hello to all and was hoping to find some friends to entertain me and pass my very long days and nites on. my partners job has made him go working away in norwich until...
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Captin Kirk
hang around for a min or two after saying nite all just to see who says tara or am I inviting posts pointing out how shallow I maybe lol
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It doesn't matter if you don't, and I expect you'll all ignore this question anyway, after all you normally ignore everything I post anyway. Katie Razzall, she's got a brown leather coat tonight, and...
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1. What colour is your car. 2. Do you like eggs. 3. Whats the number of your house. 4. Do you like your neighbours. 5. Do you save your loose change in a pot/jar etc. 6. Do you match your loo roll...
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Mrs 4GS never eats red meat, however, tonight she is working late, so, the kitchen is mine and I'm having Grilled Steak Garlic mashed potatoes Fried Onions What you all having?
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There's been so many bad news items today like the young lad 'Gordon Gentle '19 who served in Iraq, his death needn't have happened had he been given the right equipment to protect himself. The mass...
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hi, didnt know where else to post this, but can anyone help? its my 18th coming up and i would like a big party but something different and special to make it memorable any ideas? i live in...
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I am very interested to find out mens opinions on this matter... Here is the question: If you you had to choose a woman with only boobs and no nipples or a woman with absolutely no boobs and only...
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Bigmamma, are you OK ay my love
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so much for your kind words, it meant a lot xx
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Very simple question. If a person didn't reply to your email, shall I consider "ignored" or the person is busy to return. I understand it will depend on what kind of email content but is it normal to...
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I think I am depressed. Is there a test I can take or anything? I have been through this before!!
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it is amazing how her last few weeks were so peaceful and pain free, i am absolutely so full of admiration for the hospice and the care staff, my auntie had 93 years on this earth, she worked from the...
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I am going daaaahnn saaarff on Thursday and am a tad concerned with the language barrier. i.e. I may not understand the locals. I have been watching 'Eastenders' and 'The Bill' in a bid to familiarise...
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Hi just wanted to introduce myself Helloooo!!!!!! I've been coming on this site for a while now (since I got ripped off buy firm called JP-SPORTS) Anyhooo since logging on that day I've been coming...

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