How is temperature controlled? Does chocolate just flow from top to bottom or is it pumped back up somehow? Do you have to empty the bottom tray to stop it overflowing? How d'you clean it?
These symptons suddenly appeared on my computer when I started it up a few days ago and haven't gone away. Only the display seems to be affected. The colours of my usual screens have changed and gone...
Is there a regulation saying that the ring main 2.5mm2 cable should be covered by a metal or plastic strip? I've heard that this is not a requirement if the cable is buried in plaster (or under...
Priceless, of course. But what is the current life-insurance industry compensation level for its loss? I'm not talking about loss of earnings potential.
Over the last few years, I've heard about former-miners being compensated for damage to their health arising from their employment in coal mines. Does anyone know the total amount of money that has...
A friend of mine was at university in the 80s; and she explained to me how she participated in this parlour game. Two people are the leaders, they are 'in on it' from the start. The other players...
I get the same spam from the internet as everyone else. My question is: Has anyone ever taken the offer up, or do you know anyone who has? If so, how much money was paid, was it genuine, did it work?
Suppose that someone is running a hot tap that is supplied with its hot water from a Combi-Boiler. The tap is only about a third open; and water pours out at the pre-set temperature on the boiler. The...
Question for an expert Central Heating installer: Does it matter if I move the vertical expansion pipe about 7 feet horizontally from the boiler? Are there any building regs to say you can't? All the...
I have read that, in 1939, German combat tank regiments were hours away from the encircled British Expeditionary Force, with commanders chomping at the bit. Why were they (apparently) stopped by...
OK, some coloured bathroom suites were awful. But what about blue (and other non-offensive colours)? I've searched the internet and local D.I.Y. stores but have been unable to find anything except...
Can anyone recommend a good book which gives a step-by-step guide to completely replacing a tiled, sloping roof including batons, felt & lead flashing?
How can I, as a private individual, get someone's credit rating before going into business with them? I don't mind paying a fee which will, no doubt, be necessary.
Supposing I take out a claim in the County Court against someone who owes me a few hundred pounds using the Small Claims Procedure; and win. What effect will this have against the person I have...
A person registers with a Temporary Employment Agency. The agency rings the person up and says that they have 3 days work at a local business. The person completes 2 days work, to everyone's...
A tenant moves into a house, and is an otherwise satisfactory tenant. At the outset, the tenant signs an Assured Shorthold Tenancy agreement to pay a monthly rent of 700 pounds (for 1 year). The...
I occasionally socialise in the Manchester (centralish) area though I don't seem to encounter many non-white faces. Can anyone suggest a night club which has better representation from the...