I have recently seen quite a few people wearing t-shirts with a monkey (well more of a gorilla) wearing a crown on them! I really like the design and was hoping someone out there knew the name of the...
Just watched revolutions on Sky movies, and just realised, that as the machines use humans for battery power, what happens when the humans die???. Wouldn't it be better if they got the inhabitants of...
Does anyone know the name of a programme that was on BBC 2, between 6 and 7 o clock around the era of 'DEF II' in the mid eighties. It was a comedy serial and involved a blond guy on a motorbike being...
why are there now so many old lorry trailers advertising services, web-sites etc by the sides of motorways? does this get around some law banning advertising boards by major roads?
can anyone tell me the song played in the recent advert on channel 4 for new series of shameless? Trailer starts with Kev teaching his son to box in the back yard, any help much apprecited! Gemma
Does anyone know a good website for finding bands similar to the ones I already like? - so if I type in a band/artist it brings up a list of similar sounding acts I might like.
What was the name of the after-school quiz show where the kids would answer questions and play a game of Track and Fields (Hurdles, long jump) in alternate rounds? This may have only been shown in...