i have only found out from another post that a&l are giving 12%.....is there any hidden charges or fees that i should know about....after the 17% tax deduction.....
what is the best slimming pill on the market at present? for an appetite suppresant only!! i dont want any views on going to gym because i allready do that!! thanks
have money to spare and would be interested in buying a bar in leeds...never owned a bar before in england and its just a thought at minute...its next door to bookmakers and on high street..low enough...
used 2 be really outgoing...now more introvert...how does some1 get their confidence back? putting it down to being married and getting older but surely i should still be outgoing as b4...dont know...
my friend has been told that she more or less has the job...its a position for ustocy officer....she stated on the form that she had no convictions but now remembers she had 1 for careless driving in...
my friend has applied for a job as custody officer...she stated that she had no convictions on the form....now she remembers that she did have 1 for careless driving in 1997.....she seems to think...
the pupils of my eyes are allways small....and sensitive allways to light.....even on a cloudy day my eyes are sensitive to light....also when i drink coffee it seems to make them more so....any1 know...
maybe i need go see a head doctor (-: but seriously every time i watch the news its just doom and gloom...is it just me or does anyone else feel like there is something major ahead of us..i mean the...
any1 know of any decent sites i can look on? some sights such as travel supermarket etc are difficult to understand and i think they do not give accurate prices...we are flying in december..
i want to start a course of anabolic steroids...yes yes ive heard all the news...i dont want ur views i just need answers please....will a course of 3 mths affect my sperm count...will they do long...
i have allready posted a question 2day about my weight but im curious to know...why does beer bloat one up? i only drink 4 pints on a night out maybe 6 but i feel as if ive eaten a 5 course...
i cannot lose weight ...im 2 stone over my normal weight...i eat sensibly..salads..high protein foods...drink no more than 8 pints per week..i work as a scaffolder foreman and so burn enough calories...
i recently signed a contract to sell my home...the buyer was buying through co.ownership.....we both signed our contracts on 6 april and we both thought a contract wasd legally binding and...