Hi - we have a convex mirror so I can reverse out of my drive safely - anyone know as it is now well and truly broken how I can get it repaired or where I can buy a large new one as it has to be on a...
Could someone tell me if one was able to get a University Grant and loan for tuition fees in about the year 2000 like you can now and how was it worked out with parental income etc. When did they come...
We have two houses to sell, one with no mortgage so no problem and one with a mortgage of 100,000.(House value 230,000) We want to sell both and buy a house for 485,000 and port the mortgage of...
We have two houses to sell, one with no mortgage so no problem and one with a mortgage of 100,000.(House value 230,000) We want to sell both and buy a house for 485,000 and port the mortgage of...
Hello does anyone know how I can cut a song before the end on i-tunes? Do I need to download some mind of music mixing software? If so, any suggestions? Thanks in advance....
Hello does anyone know how I can cut a song before the end on i-tunes? Do I need to download some mind of music mixing software? If so, any suggestions?
Thanks in advance....
I am a Trustee along with my mother and my sister of a Trust to pay out money to help my children/her grandchildren with housing. My brother is a Trustee along with my mother and our Solicitor of a...
any one know if there is a website where you can have such a thing as a 'bank chef'? ie someone to cook at the local pub until we can find a permanant replacement? Live in Staffordshire. Thanks in...
any help please on how you have your dog cremated and be sure of getting just their ashes back perhaps in a casket that you can then bury? Have a 2 year old dog with cancer who I really need to be...
I need a nearside wiper cable for my L Reg Volvo 940S - any ideas? I can buy the complete wiper unit for £120 but only need the cable if possible - live in Staffs ? Any ideas - thanks in advance...
What would be the difference in treating a 2 year old dog with lymphoma or malignant histiocytic sarcoma. Diagnosed with latter in November but would have been last March too (long story) and he is...