Name three interesting facts with one being a damned lie. I shall start: The Elephant Man stank of putrid puss Hitler had 1 and a half balls, not one Clint Eastwood NEVER washed during the filming of...
wardy i dont want you to post on this thread. I just wanted to say that your pointless and discriminative views are the most pathetic i have ever read :) you wierdo lol
we were together for 7 years but split 2 years ago. we have been seeing each other on and off since but now i after a near death experience that i really really love her but she thinks it isn't a good...
I know this will receive replys from people who say "this is sick" etc and of course from my stalkers, but hey ho. Hell it may not receive any replies at all, but I'll cope. So.............. 5 famous...