1. When does the English strawberry crop season begin and end? 2. What dressing was named as a result of contention between the British and French in the Mediterranean? 3. As S as a H 4. What comes...
The following are british rivers: 1. possibly a sceptre? (6) 2. A has-been? (3) The following are films of the 60s: 1. RB (9,4) 2. GWCTD (5,4,6,2,6) 3.SC (5,7)
The following are insects: 1. Down glass container (10) 2. Lake Dean (4, 6) 3. Cut wood then take to the air (6) The following are sports: 1. Part of Scottish county in fabric (8) 2. Poets contain 49,...
1. Which composer died from a bee sting? 2. Which is the odd one out - Olivet, Gorgonzella, Molbo or Tilsiti? 3. Who is she? Answer is a female - 'In a barge'?
1. How much beer is there in a tun? 2. What is chantilly? 3. When does the English strawberry season begin and end? 4. What is the insect - Lake Dean (4,6)? 5. What is the insect - Often at prayer...
The following are famous pictures by well known artists - Letters given can be used more than once - e.g. HALY WINE = The Hay Wain. 1. SOLID REG BAT 2. STARING PHULYE 3. GREAT FOBIL 4. LOFTER HAS B