12a evergreen plant taken from rows of alpines(7,6) 14a old dramatist cooked giant rat for another(7,8) 16a severely reprimand footballer with appliance(6,7) 3d damaged tent is half price...
When I was a lad in the 50s it was always breakfast, dinner and tea, and maybe a little something for supper if mum could afford it, but this was not often! When did the change take place, did I miss...
Please help with:-
9 across. Leave film to entertain team (4) E???
6 down. Housey-housey house! (5,4) ???G?/H?L?
22 across. Going round Rome, Cuba and York once (8) E?O?A?U
Now solved all.... Except 1 down: 'long unspecified period of time' - ? E?R? And 23 across - ' end to mild protest' -? E?U? (rebut?) but how does answer fit the clue? Also query 8 across - I'll humour...