For my date tonight I am un sure of what to wear. Should I go for a casual look or should I wear a suit? I have longish hair at the moment but am getting it cut later so it'll be same lenght as photp...
My daughter has unwittingly apparently subscribed to this service which is for 16+ only she is significantly younger than this who are they and where do they operate from they are charging her (me)...
stuck in a room with saddam hussein bin laden and a certain ab member you have a gun with 2 bullets in it what do you do? shoot the ab memeber twice
Has anyone on here seen the film 'The Notebook'? I watched it yesterday and thought it was brilliant. What are other people's thoughts if they have seen it?
1.2.3. in with the good threads out with the bad in with the good threads out with the bad in with the good threads ..and hold...2.3.4. and relax....... now thats better lots of good karma...
in true robin williams stylie wow i feel good do be do be do be do i knew that i would now what a great weekend i've just had but now back at work : ( anyone else had a fab weekend ?
Does anyone actually like women? I'm looking forward to having one this year (yes, i know it's only October) but then i do every year and it's always complete and utter poo. Am i doing something...
i collect ornament pigs i have managed to aquire 18 figures that come under the name of "meet the trotters" but cant find the maker or anymore information on these except that they...
Can I have your views please on trick or treating. All the kids in my neighbourhood seem to do it, but I wont let my two children. My kids are quite young and would not cause a menace but...
I have a photograph of my father in a school play in the mid 1930s. Their costumes include a lion, a queen (mostly wearing white), a witch, a jester and either a king or soldier wearing a...