On Wednesday, I received the Saturday Telegraph cryptic crossword pen prize. It was unexpected because I only buy the Saturday paper and the winners are published on another day. I've sent the...
4A english mathematition creditede wth conceiving the first digital computer ===b=== 14a having a particular key ==n== 15a french composer of the late baroque period best known for harpsichor music...
Just a few left ... 44a 1925 pop standard by Irving berlin, covered by artists including Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra and Billie Holiday (8) ???m?b?r 7a odourless form of suffocating gas typically...
20 ac culinary herb grown for its seed-like fruits used dried in bread (7) ?a?a?a? 48 dn heap of root vegetables protected by layer of earth or straw (5) c?a?p 37 ac girth of western saddle (5) c?n?h...
help needed
31a american poet of light verse is Ogden nash
24d toxic substance in fluids secreted by snakes is venom
is there a mistake or am I wrong . the N of ogden clashes with m of venom...