The question below induced me to find out! I have several but one of he worst is people who don't go to the front pump, leaving me waiting behind them and an empty pump in front. Still at least...
With the rising cost of expensive Cancer, Aids meds etc... I wonder what motive the big pharmaceutical companies had with coming up with this advert or pushing the goverment to air this?...
Hi All, I'd love to have the recipe for a pie we used to get at school. It was shortcrust sweet pastry with a light, milk chocolate filling. Like a mousse but denser. Chocolate torte is definitely not...
basically my partner and i had a huge fight over my jealousy, and it led to us hitting each other and i provoked him we throw some very personal insults at each other and my patner tried to suffocate...
I have sleep apena. I use a C-pac with a mask. If I take a nap and fall asleep without my C-pac, I most certainly will enter into sleep paralysis. What is it exactly? I know it is a scary, miserable...
Why is it that in some lesbian relationships, one tends to be 'butch' ie dress and act in a masculine way? If a woman is attracted to other women then why go for someone who tries to look like a man?...
Listening to a phone in debate on my local radio station at the moment about angels. The guest speaker has just stated that you need to be half asleep or half awake to see them or to communicate with...
Im not asking this to upset the women, though I'm sure it will. Throughout the animal kingdom (generally speaking) it is quite natural for the male of the species to expand his gene pool as far and as...
Would you contemplate it?
He's driving me nuts during the night and constantly waking me up. He must have woke me about 10 times last night. I really wanted to punch him :-(...
Whats the name of the actress who played the sheriff in the movie ? The scene just before sexy Denise Richards is shown in an accident. I tried looking on the net but couldn't identify her...
Hi I'm looking for the name and author of a children's book that my sister had but she can't remember it. The story was set in a forest and seemed to be about rubbish that was alive. There were foxes...