Last 2 22d Alegal procedure of a court? (6) a?r?a? It looks like atrial, but why? a trial is obvious as a legal procedure, but what has the heart to do with anything? Please explain. 3d I run on...
Good morning everyone - another early start for just the same reason, the sun is shining and I'm going to prune my roses before the next spell of wet, cold and windy arrives [ should be about Tuesday...
If you do, would you like to help us test the new AB mobile site?
It's still in development, but if you pop your name down below I'll send over an email which will let you know how to gain access....
Does anyone else remember going to these rather grand[ at the time] restaurants ? as a small girl my mother used to take me "up west to town" every couple of months, we would go to Swan...
28 across. Clue: It's impossible to guess why everybody is quiet (6, 2, 6). I have: ?H?R?S ?O ?A???? 21 down. Clue: There was no holding him (7). I have: H?U?I?? If it is HAULIER but I can't really...
Could someone please explain why the answer to 24A - Ordinary tool in front of Indian Ascetic,we hear
could be Plain Jane? I have plain ?a?e.
Thank you...
Nearly finished - stuck on last two. 12A Divine figure shown by model, one person at university. ???E?D?N (8) 12D Wolves getting on - part of the drive for promotion ??C?A?ING (9) Any help greatly...