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1 Peer: "I'm sadly what Britain lacks now" (6) 10 In tears, if trousers strain (4)  (is it Pant) 21 Maybe Capitol attacker from big city, getting stretch? Not quite (6)  R?????? 22 Drugs abound –... ...
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3dn a New York institution for one one in particular (7) ? ? Y ? ? ? Y 4dn Treasury's coffers somewhat depleted - gulp (5) ??o?? 8dn Unstable person taking d rugs, making comeback (8) ?E?P?N??
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2dn learn less than you shuld as an actor in waiting (10) _ n _ e _ s _ _ _ _ 15ac *** stink - infection (6) H _ _ _ _ _ 16dn Sexist quality of vibrating gismo covering tops of your natty... ...
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3 Booze finally gets Mark to act with feeling (5) E?O?E  8 Wife's out of stingers – just one did for Cleo (4) ?S?S (is that ASPS?)
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1 These involve taking leak in different pubs? (5-3) B????-??? 11 Whisky? See *** islanders (7) M?????? 13 Crappy Parmesan has Dutch character (9) A????????
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66 Craft of Netflix, say, ditching Republican (7) S??????R 30 Which divides members to a great extent (6) S?L?T? 75 Lines of verse: Declaration of Sexual Orientation (5) I???I  
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40 PACE measure's tame – needs reversing (8)            ?o?????p 51 Support Eye in slur (7) S?????? 14/77dn. Each profiteer's part of Chancellor Rishi's ill-considered scheme?... ...
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78a Cut down oral activity (head) – a vulgar trait (13) 57d Score but feel depressed (5,4) T?U???o?? 72 Stunt has one getting dick's head caught in fly (8)???????e  
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31 "Organ sock" in green initially results in reprimand (10) ??r???h???
33 Be watchful of advice to our readers to carry on removing mag covers (4,4,4,6)
37 Who's casually swinging both ways with... ...
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Name these pantomimes from the clues 1. a grate performance sung my Ms. Fitzgerald? 2. He's a very noisy boy! 3. The cat's gone to the chemist (Puss in Boots - got that one) 4. I spotted the heavy... ...
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Name these carols or Christmas songs from the clues 1. Royalty from China Japan and Thailand have turned up here (We three kings from orient are?) 2. Farmers alibi for staying out after hours 3. 364... ...
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Stuck again on a few. Fed up gratefully received.  Thanks.   1ac Sleep with CIA operative, being particular (8) 1dn Prevent a stiff one from breaking down (6) 2dn Political enforcer needs... ...
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Me again! 1. IDLE TALK: "LEAVE, *** OFF!" (6) - - - - - P 24/11AC SCRAP RETREAT AND COUNTER-ATTACK (5,4) - - - - T / - - - - 20 OLD LOVER STUCK ON HOLIDAY ISLAND - *** (7) - - - - - - E  
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1 down Left wing group has little time to take on males heading corporation (8) M - - - - - - - 10ac Roman ice houses – hysterical! (5) - - n - c
11 Labour leader eagerly starts wearing shift for a... ...
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Across 26 Hard-headed Republican elicits a reaction (9)
28 Second family, fine material for Scrooge (9)
29 See 2dn. (Condition added to butter by over protective government) 5 5
30 Ex-PM's on edge –... ...
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I'm useless at cryptic crosswords but I do have a few answers, just stuck on therse Across 5 Mad Putin all but resolved to invade Switzerland's borders (6) - - - p - -
10 Smart panties brandished (7)... ...
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I've misplaced Saturday's general knowledge quiz answers to link with yesterday's HERCULIS, which are  SWORD JERSEY SHADE CROW Can anyone help please?
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I'm getting better at these....but still struggle as you will tell.   8ac Knight heard to prepare for copulation, is overcome (8) 9ac Bishop in court case, showing group loyalty (6) 25ac Slight... ...
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9 Large expanse ripe for development — look into it (7)

10 dn Emission – tax to the limit (7) I hav - - h - u - t
2dn OAP in trouble – but upright? (5) I have p - - - o
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3d. need scoop desperately?  Here's  a means of invading privacy (9) 6d Kamala-Trump ends wth lap dancing - shock (5) 9d US haircut given by doctor an aggressive sort (6) 20d miserable cameron on... ...

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