2dn making a mockery of barrier (7) r-i-ing 6ac returned coats in swindle (4) ---m (is this scam) 10ac pleased with cut flower (4) ---d 7dn piece of purcell is axing musician (7) ----i-t 25dn rouse...
24ac avoid failure to score (4) d - c - Is this duck? 23 dn druggie, liverpudlian but not scot mostly (4) - s - r Is this user? 2dn pass up beer in place (6) l - c - l - Not good at these cryptic ones...
11ac suffering two low grades in examination (6) _ _ _ _ a _ 13ac is annoying society without cause (8) n _ _ _ c _ s _ 5dn find record finished (8) d _ s _ _ _ _ _ 6dn did 'urt with weapons (5) a _ m...
9ac read an adaptation for this lady (6) A _ D _ _ A 19ac conferences required when cente of syria is occupied by politicians accepting nothing (8) _ Y _ P _ _ _ A 20dn therefore friar may be cut off...
25ac offensive former pupil's poisonous (9) O _ N _ N _ O _ S 26ac attractive food finishing off jelly (5) D _ S _ _ 24dn instrument for one inventing stories for audience (4) _ _ _ e 21ac boys...
21a runs excellent competition R _ _ _
6d fit in an extra guest (4) A _ U _ is this abut?
17dn false story about king results in conflict (8) _ R _ _ _I _ N
then I'm done!...
4dn writes about losing one item of clothing (5) T _ E _ S 20 dn was no longer an outsider (7) E _ T _ R _ D 23 dn paul's companion seen in america following bird (5) T _ T _ S I am useless at cryptic...
19. ac dog trapping naughty lad's bird (4, 5) _ _ L _ EAGLE 15dn warren's bra thinly disguised (9) L _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ 26ac way of sending messages when peter pan flies round globe (9) _ _ _ _ P _ P _ _...