30a spirit said to inhabit a place or living object 5 letters 39a style of full wide skirt with gathered waistband d-r-d- 40a inhabitant of venezuela and colombia working as cowby 7 letters
No. 11 according to an AA survey 32% of holidays taken in Feb. end with ..what No. 19 Stefan Spaggiari spent 2 yrs. crossing five continents and three oceans without taking a single flight. How much...
I came across a site once where all the puzzle magazine answers had been solved and listed, i.e. Chat and pick me up, puzzler magazine - can someone remind me where this is please. Grateful thanks
I want to say thanks to valerieb and jan1956 for answering my question - but HOW do I do it on the site?I'm a bit dim but I'm blowed if I can see a "send thanks" button. WHERE IS IT?!!!