1a curt tropical writing that's wealthy and powerful 11 //////////c ,1d tots dumped in playpen for a score from here 7,4 ////l//////t & 13a could catch it in the neck with speaking style 5,6...
1a the numbers, Kathryn to dance on ice? 6,5 ??g?????a??, 1d it's me, to prof rebus 5,6 ??????e???n, 4d baldies in line for cooking escargot 6,5 ??????s???l thanx...
3 please 1a papa reddens at prospect of being smoothed 11 //////r///d 18a took back attempt to pose in dresses 11 ////s/////d 1d see a chapter in a way, as warmer 5,6 sorry no letters thanx