please could anyone help on last question =
answer contains a hidden river e.g. remaining (7)= sTAYing = river tay
No. 36 approaching (11)
thanks for any ideas...
please could you help on this - have the same answer for two questions=
no 23. club together to play this (4) and No 67 bird scores in this sport (4)
golf - my mind is blank!! tha...
please could you help on the last few:
1. also a musical (5
14. single ownership (8)
67. bird scores in this sport (4)
70. following game (8)
77, hit through the hoops (7)
please could you help on the last four- answer contains word 'up'- might need a shock to cure these (7) answer is sweet/chocolate past and present- 1. black and white (9) 3. edible fasteners 9.7, 10....
please could you help=
29. a proper girl or flower (8)
38. sweet or savoury (7)
62. feline family (6)
66. by Christina rossetti (6,5,)
71, an antelope (9)
can you help please- 4. follow a bird (5.5.) 21. outdoor steps in fashion (5.5.( 49, tossed between posts (5.7.) 54. take an alloy (5.5.) 58. stepped out the glue (5.5.) 59, painful sound developed...
please could you help = 5. a noel greeting everyone liked (5) 17. jesus was this (5.3.5.) 20. find reindeer out zooming every night (6) 21, guiding light (7.4.) 42. ant and dec at morrisons (3.9,...
please could you help on final one- two clues when spoken together sound like another word eg get on (a train):place in a row 5.5. =board /align=borderline 3, brute:greek letter 5.3. making a 9 letter...
please could you help on last few -
5. three-wheeler (7.5.)
25. white cold timber (9)
72. gift used in perfume (5(
75. cold and pale (4.5.)
93. cybill,gillian and david (9)
please could you help on the last ones=
17, textiles/fabric seller (6( have mercer or draper?
18. he sharpens teeth (3.6.)
54. molten metal worker (10)
please could you help on last four- 7. headwear with flat crown and turned up brim 4.3.3 47, between eyes down and the arena 67. the entertainer 6.4 71 yank won 400m hurdles in London...
please could you help-
Answer contains a hidden tree -
1. fine decorative pattern (7)
2. greenhouse (8)
Answer contains a mineral or metal
1. supermarket (4)
please could you help- 17. the tay bridge disaster was his work (7.5.10) 25. bumpsted was first winner drysdale most recent (7.9.6) 38 actress succeeded Julie Andrews as archies girlfriend (5.4) 41....