My wife asked me to put this on, but I must admit, i'm curious. Ladies, if you go to a wedding or party, and as you walk in, you spot someone else wearing exactly the same dress as you, what do you...
Hope someone can help here as I am getting quite distressed about this. I started a low GI diet 3 weeks ago. Seems to be going fine, adapted well to the food (not that I was on an unhealthy diet...
How often should you wait in between dying your hair! I put a permanent dye on my hair a few weeks back (only a chesnut brown) and I want to do it again but I am not sure I have left it long enough as...
Not earth shattering, but my son got a letter today accepting him to the auditions for Simon Cowells new show - "BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT"> He is sooooo excited!!!
Does anybody actually know the real meaning of life? I'm driving myself crazy. I really want to know what it is :/ Can anybody enlighten me? thank you xx
is there a recommended weekly amount of tuna you can eat because i have been told you should only eat one tin a week because of the mercury levels contained in the fish cheers
Part of me wishes to give up watching tv and reading newspapers because so often it is negative. A house without a tv is an obsurd gesture in today's living. Is the media too negative and bad? For...
does anyone else think (or even care ) that 'Ben'phil mitchells son on E/E is a really crappy actor? i know he's only a kid ..... but i just cannot stand the little sh$$
Has anyone used the products that claim to restore the whiteness of window frames. Mine are about 15 years old now and I feel as if they need brightening up. Has anyone had good results. Thanks xx