do you ever get the feeling sometimes when in conversation about general stuff about other countries/religions etc that you dont know as much as you'd like.... well does anyone know a good book to...
Does anyone know the man in the new video from Red Hot Chili Peppers - Universally Speaking? Is it one of the band in disguise, some other famous person, or an unknown?
Who sang the following song, the chorus had the lines 74, 75? I need to know as I don't think Fox FM have any other records apart from this one, and they never mention the artist....perhaps they play...
I was just wondering if it was actually possible with current players to put together an England football team made up of only black players? I came up with Vassall & Heskey in attack, David James in...
The new Beyonce Knowles single Crazy in Love has got an amazing opening; loads of trumpets. Are they sampled from elsewhere? If so, does anyone know where from?
Not a question, as such, but more of a deterrant to potential 'Make the site better, please' posts. I've noticed one small change to the Answerbank site - perhaps an indication of more to come - and...
My computer has suddenly started having loads of pop up ads, even when Internet Explorer isn't open. I've done a Ad-aware search and deleted various 'trackers' etc. However they still appear. Not only...
I've bought a dvd player recently and am now thinking about getting some kind of surround system. Is it possible to to buy the surround sound bits seperately or can I do I have to have a special dvd...