1d. Help and support we're keeping Alf at work (7) w---a-e 8a. Special young lady, 10, upset by boring places at sea (3/4) o--/-i-s 13d. Dress etc tried on- use this in payment?(6/4) -r-d-t/-o-e...
18a. complaint rejected for example involving grave letters (5) g ----
21a. good police in a matter of some gravity (6) -----e
any help appreciated. thanks...
22d. Stride round hospital for something to seal wound. (6) ---e-d 25 a. Spots rare tree. (4) -a-- 9a. Nasty shock during setback in place for humbugs. (4/4) t-c-/s-o- Any help appreciated. Thanks...
13a. unseemly kiss taken in sporting goods. (4) ---s 14d. Greek appalled with his character being masked. (5) --p-a (alpha?) 12a. Energy liberated being removed cold. (4) z-n- (zinc?) any help...
1d. worker cries with second coming first (5) s-e-p
8d. jaunty son heading up in the country (5) s-g-a
18a. fish and what it did after a while (5) s-e-t
Any help appreciated.Thanks...