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4dOctet playing during german songs, it reveals truth (2 words)(11letters) _ _ EDE_ EC _ _ _ Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance...
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2d. shattered maiden takes a sleep, that's common (4 words) A _ _ M E _ DOM _ N Many Thanks...
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Last one. 18a. Aachen made Alex ill, a cheap trip (hyphenated) 13letters. A_ X _ A _ H _ P _ L _ E Many thanks in advance....
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4d. second argument could lead to a dead body in US? s_e_f 5d.first hebrew letter could be a help? a_ e_ h last two, many thanks....
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last one. 1 a. Muse out loud in street? _ E _ S Thanks.
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last 2 thanks. 9d. notable period when one gets grey hair perhaps? _ _ E _ _ _ A _ E. ends in age ? 15a. Copy cassette running out of time? Thanks again guys....
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5d. Zero outlets will be disappointments. (9) _ _ _ _ v _ _ _ _. Many thanks for any assistance.
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stuck on last two. 9d. Swindle an athlete and decamp (three words) ? D-A---N-R 15a. Leap over storage unit ? A---T Any assistance appreciated....
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5d. Henry aboard ship initally snagged £25 for humbler transport ? (two words) 11 letters. S-A-K-S-O-- ? I cant get "shark" out of my head but do not know why. 21a. Sounds like exalted...
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10a. Instrument for storyteller to audience ? -Y- E . And 9 d. Against record of a bit of maths? A-T-L-G- . Thanks again.
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3d. Pearl factory perhaps is a grower in the Mediterranean (2words) ? Thanks in advance.
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12a. My assassin style created a more mundane line of work (two words)? This must be an anagram but I cannot get it. S_S_E_ _ _ N _ _ _ S _ _ ? Thanks again
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11a short, flattering arrangement of contest (three words)? I think it is an anagram of short flattering. T_ I_ L _ F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? Any help appreciated. Thanks
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Can anyone explain an answer for me? 7d. it's shrapnel exploding - US promise to pay? The only answer I can come up with is SHINPLASTER but I cannot work it out. I must be half asleep today! Any help...
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Many thanks. I will wait in hope.
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am I the only one who does the barebones xword? Checking yesterdays posts, no-one asked a single question for the barebones. Anyway, I am only just getting round to look at it and have a couple that I...
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filled up traveller on nile trips, she's with daughter family of second person and their belongings (three words) thanks in advance, struggling with it this week...
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18a famous roman cake decorator secured by company. 21a . poser has little time for derek thanks a million...

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