a few times i have had messages from the ed to say i have subcribed to a post even though im not aware i have ,what does subscribe mean ,sorry to be so thick .
on sunday my commuter was got at by a crypto virus, nothing worked and it said if i wanted my files back i had to pay £500 odd ,luckily after many hours hubby managed to get things straight again...
just looked at the answers the @@@@@@ cat was in the window but theres nothing there ! also the baby spot the difference i can only see they have circled 9 .
just going through the songs and after i listened to tommy james i notice sam the sham came up so i clicked on it ,loved woolley bully when i was a teenager.i found the lyrics and they are nothing...
i'm beginning to think the only way my crossword entries are going to be picked is if i put them in a very large envelope ,i enter loads of comps each week and nothing .own up who thought the question...
why is it that when the latest post comes through my computer some already have answers before i've even read them .excuse my ignorance but i'm not very computer knowledgeable lol...
well i won't be able to watch it couldn't find any glasses.i'm sure when i went to school many moons ago we made them from sweet wrappers but i could be getting confused .