Tuesday's Dingbat. But if a weird one: A picture of a grave with a gravestone. There is a picture of a striped tie on the gravestone. The only thing I can think of is "tie dye". Any other ideas?... ...
British Divers Marine Life Rescue quiz. 31 March 2025. Thanks in advance, as ever. All answers relate to the sea. 8. Comic Richard has a pool of silvery fish (7,4) 21. Renowned circumnavigator took an... ...
Really struggling with this quiz and down to the last few if anyone can help please. These pairs of crime fictions are linked by a character, actor, location or other show etc. I will just list... ...
can anyone please help me with the following questions: 39 - She was posthumously honoured with a star on the prestigious Hollywood Walk of Fame. 5, 9 59 - Patron of a charity formed to raise... ...
Two clues starting with the same letter but sadly no other checked letters yet though the down clue ends with an S across clue. declining road ???????? down clue.army slang for anything wanted.... ...
Good morning everyone- it's a lovely sunny one here, going to be warm over the weekend, but not too much, just pleasant .....this I can handle 😎 Today's links, thanks to... ...
I Have three dingbats I am stuck on the first one is MIND but the I looks like a cross? (3 words) The Second one is noonmidnight (3 words) and the last one is punctuALLy (4 words) Any help appreciated TIA
Today's dingbat: CORGI. The COLLIE. The HUSKY. The The breed of the dogs are in big letters and directly on top of the "The"s which are in much smaller letters.
Spot the skeleton parts and teeth. August 2025. Q5. A blue teapot and a pint of beer = ? Q7. The antenna coming from the middle of a satellite dish = ?