Last two: 7d Forward half of non-drinkers: "Beer's topping!" (5) A?E?D. The beer should be ALE but can't see it. Non-drinkers would normally be TT but that's clearly not there. Across clue 12a gives... ...
Well we had some snow lastnight early eve, not much - just enough for a light scattering. And then it's snowed just a tad more overnight. Clear and bright at the moment and very cold ! Nice... ...
1a wat to confirm and divide in to groups (8) s?????f? 27a noticed former US presidential candidate reportedly naive (8) ?e?y???? 5a Fruit held in two hands (6) 8d travel across water to scan crank... ...
Musicals cryptic A fashionable North American's scribble is all mixed up(6,6,5) Anna heard seven words rewritten (4,4,6) Another alliterative masticating mentum meal(3,4,4) Synonyms advance out of... ...
Last one (although I think I may have gone wrong somewhere as I can't find a word that fits my letters). Sedative liquid a late ruler mixed with dash of whisky (11) LA?REL??T?R Clearly an anagram,... ...
Good morning everyone and welcome to a new game, a new month and a New Year !! Let's hope it's a very fulfilling one where the links are concerned. Weird weather for the start of the year ....I... ...
15d,the time of year to be dignified, ?u?u?t. 13a, compass point on a sort of sign, ?e?n. 74a, met ABBA? Lies heard for a change, ?e?a???i??. Many thanks.
6. snitch on the cow (6) 9. setup for a fall (8) 23. have calm (8) 34. cheat time (8) 46. boast special cereal (7) 48. combine resources (4) for west lancs scouts, closing date 10/1/25, thanks in advance