Can anyone help with a clue to these two questions. Answers include a reference to a Greater London borough, district, landmark, building, feature, street etc... 1) one of becks's dodgy haircuts (6,3)...
all answers contain ordinal numbers e:g FIRST, SECOND,THIRD ETC. Jones or Robinson = ( first minister has been given but i'm not convinced) The last one was rotten = ( first in has been suggested but...
The answers to the following clues relate to flowers, shrubs, fruit and vegetables. [no of letters, words in brackets] 1 Crawler from an American State [8,7] 2 A small coin for everyone [5] 3 It grows...
down to last few and really stuck, all answers must contain a day of the week of a month,, 1) the day before 13 (6,6) 2) paul's ode to a cuckoo (5,4,3,4) 3) only the wind precedes this (2,7,8) 4) it...
Hi, can anyone please help. I have several answers still to fathom and they are sending me crazy. Any help would be really appreciated, all answers contain a month or a day. 90. Spring fool in north...
54) Transmission complete (3,3) 77) Hit the top in July and again in August (4,4) 82) 3 seconds and 5 thirds, but no yellow jersey (3,3) 84) He proved costly for kiss (3,3) Please help, any answer or...